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A strong contribution for sustainable building - CO2 savings through holistic modernization

The Brunckviertel district in Ludwigshafen, Germany, a workers’ housing estate dating back to the 1930s, was comprehensively refurbished from 1997 to 2006. Coordinated modernization measures in the field of renewable energies and thermal insulation reduce CO2 emissions and save heating costs. Facade insulation featuring materials made of Neopor® formed the heart of the renovation project.






Advantages of holistic modernization:

  • Up to 80% less heating energy
  • Benefits for climate protection
  • Long-term value retention
  • Greater comfort

Proven long life and energy savings

An expert evaluation has certified the good condition of the material.

  • The condition of the insulation was assessed by an expert and judged to still be excellent after more than 10 years.

An analysis of consumption values has shown optimal insulation performance, even after ten years.

  • In all of the buildings, the measured consumption is significantly below the values projected prior to the renovation.

High living comfort

Tenant surveys have given good marks to low-energy houses:

  • High satisfaction with the indoor climate
  • The selected building materials contribute to a high level of comfort


Brunck District Flyer