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Neopor® News




News on Neopor®

Read the latest news about innovative developments and applications with our original grey Neopor®, and news on the classic Styropor®.


Strong product portfolio of Neopor® and Styropor®:

BASF's EPS experts work closely with and for customers to ensure that the product portfolio is continually being developed.
Styropor®, Neopor® and Peripor® from BASF - The product portfolio with the most EPS experience

A good example: Neopor® F 5 PRO.

The 20% reduction in blowing agent content enables cost-effective production of high-quality insulation materials, especially in the technically challenging field of higher foam densities. Therefore, applications with high pressure-resistance, such as floor insulation and flat roof insulation, can easily be manufactured. The hydrophobized surface of the raw material also allows the production of foams with minimized moisture absorption, which thus meet the high demands of perimeter insulation. Building parts in contact with the ground can be insulated with Neopor® F 5 PRO reliably and sustainably.

The exact figures can be found at a glance in our Neopor® F 5 PRO flyer.



Here you can download the flyer with the complete EPS portfolio from BASF