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제 4 회 유럽 ETICS 포럼에서 참가율의 신기록 수립

10월 5일 유럽 외단열 복합시스템 협회 (EAE)는 바르샤바에서 네 번째 유럽 ETICS 포럼을 개최했습니다.  25개국에서 온 270명이 참가한 이 행사는 큰 성공을 거두었습니다.


Alongside politicians, public authorities, and regulatory bodies, the guest list for this top-class expert conference also included international investors, planners, and architects as well as craftsmen and manufacturers. A total of 270 attendees discussed topics including energy efficiency and the market development of ETICS. Renowned speakers from all over Europe, China, and Japan provided stimulus for this year’s debate.

You can find the content of the talks and more information about the fourth ETICS Forum here.