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Neopor® 관련 뉴스

글로벌 BASF Neopor® 및 Styropor® 뉴스를 통해 혁신적인 개발 제품에 관한 최신 뉴스를 읽어보세요.


두꺼운 단열재를 위한 새로운 접합기술

BASF는 단열재 접합을 위한 새로운 기술을 개발했습니다. 비접촉식 단열접합 공정을 통해 Styrodur®, Neopor®, Basotect® 또는 SLENTEX®와 같은 다양한 단열재료를 결합 할 수 있습니다.  Styrodur® 포트폴리오에는 이 공정을 사용하여 제조된 특히 두꺼운 재료도 포함됩니다


Styrodur® welding – desirable properties of different building products can be combined.

Combinations of different insulation materials are possible
Together with a well-known machine manufacturer BASF has developed a new technology for welding insulation boards. The contactless, thermal welding process makes it possible to combine a variety of insulation materials. For example, Styrodur®, the extruded rigid polystyrene foam from BASF, can be combined with polyurethane, the inorganic aerogel SLENTEX®, or the melamine resin foam Basotect® to form completely new insulation material solutions. The silver grey Neopor® is also suitable.

Highly compression-proof Styrodur® boards (XPS) up to 240 mm
The Styrodur® portfolio also includes new, especially thick boards made using this process in the highly compression-proof varieties Styrodur®4000 CS and 5000 CS. The boards cover the thickness range from 60 mm to 240 mm with a consistently good insulation value (lambda: 0.035 W/(m·K)).

Advantages for the construction industry
Architects, planners, and craftsmen benefit from the new possibilities: the traditional advantages of the Styrodur® board, such as low water absorption and high compressive strength, can be combined with the desirable properties of other building products. BASF has already patented a range of applications and product combinations. On this basis, the company is seeking to develop and advance new applications in building insulation together with interested partners.

About Styrodur®
The compression-proof, water-repellent, and rot-proof Styrodur® has protected homes from heat, cold, and moisture for more than 50 years. The green XPS is characterised by its reliable product quality as well as the continuous efforts to gain approvals. Today, Styrodur® is the insulation material with the greatest number of officially approved uses in the German XPS market. Insulation with Styrodur® prolongs the lifespan of buildings, increases their value, and improves the living environment. The various Styrodur® types, which contain air as the cell gas, differ mainly in their compressive strength.

You can find more information on Styrodur® on the homepage (www.styrodur.com).