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Sustainable building with Neopor® throughout the life cycle

Raw material
  • Compliance with human rights and occupational and social standards.
  • Anti-discrimination and anti-corruption requirements.
  • Environmental protection.
  • BASF is a founding member of the „Together for Sustainability“ (TfS).
  • Production
    The Production Verbund ensures a competitive supply of key products to all segments with value-added chains rooted in the Verbund.
  • Technology
    The Technology Verbund leverages technological advantages across all segments by breadth, impact, and best in class expertise (e.g. biotech sciences, catalysis, formulation platform).
  • Market
    The Market Verbund creates customer relevance by size and with a broad portfolio, for example automotive/ transportation.
  • Digital
    The Digital Verbund systematically uses and harvests the huge advantages and potential offered by digitalisation throughout the BASF network (data management, scale, artificial intelligence).
  • Independent certification by REDcert
  • Use of waste based Bio-Naphta or biogas
  • Reduced CO2 footprint
  • CO2 savings as early as the production stage
  • CO2 emission savings of 60 per cent (cradle to gate, A1-A3)
  • Produced in accordance with the requirements of the White Paper published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Economy 100 Network.
Insulation material

The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics confirms that, if properly maintained, an external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) with EPS/Neopor® should have a lifespan of at least 40 years.

  • CO2 emissions
    Studies show that 830 tonnes of CO2 are saved each year in a renovated housing development.

More Information

  • Cash
    Professionally installed insulation reduces heating costs, putting more money in the pockets of families.
  • Resources
    Since 1980, 92 billion litres of heating oil have been saved through facade insulation.

More Information

  • Insulating exterior walls increases thermal comfort.
  • When used for interior insulation, Neopor® is lowemission, preventing impurities in the indoor air.
  • 80 per cent of tenants describe the living comfort in their insulated apartment as ”very good” or ”good”.
  • Clean polystyrene waste is 100 per cent recoverable or recyclable.
  • Heavily soiled EPS undergoes energy recovery and is reused to generate electricity or district heating.

EPS and the Circular Economy

Keeping the raw materials used in the cycle and reducing the use of fossil raw materials belong to BASF's overarching goals towards a circular economy.

You can see the role EPS plays
in this in the video here.


Reducing CO2 with insulation boards made of Neopor® BMB

Insulation boards made of Neopor® BMB protect the environment and
the climate by helping to reduce CO2 emissions throughout their life cycle. 

Find out more about BASFs biomasse balance approach

Sustainable Building with Neopor® 

Sustainable building with plastics? That is a contradiction for you?

In our new brochure you learn more, why Neopor® is a sustainable product.