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Fewer Loss of Valuable Living Space: Interior Insulation with Neopor®

Internal thermal insulation achieves very good results for new construction or renovation projects wherever external thermal insulation is not an option. Spaces that have to be heated up quickly or only for brief periods of time definitely benefit from interior thermal insulation with Neopor®.


Key Advantages of Interior Insulation with Neopor®

  • Rooms heat up quickly
  • Simple and cost-effective implementation
  • Improved thermal and sound insulation

Because of the outstanding thermal insulation properties of Neopor® insulation boards, better insulation performance is achieved with smaller thicknesses than with conventional EPS. This means less valuable interior space is lost. The additional elasticity brought about by insulation materials made of Neopor® can also improve sound insulation.


Reference object Hemshof Kolonie

The BASF "Kolonie" company housing estate is a prime example of the energy-efficient renovation of old buildings.


Reducing CO2 with insulation boards made of Neopor® BMB

Insulation boards made of Neopor® BMB protect the environment and the climate by helping to reduce CO2 emissions throughout their life cycle. 


Neopor® professioal brochure