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BASF House in Nottingham/UK: Insulating concrete forms (ICF) made of Neopor®

BASF, the leading raw material supplier to the construction industry, has demonstrated its expertise in energy-efficiency in both renovation of existing buildings and in new build. In the UK we have built a house to demonstrate how BASF raw materials can be used to create an energy-efficient and affordable home.

  • Part of the "Creative Energy Homes" flagship project for energy-efficient homes of the future
  • Set up on the campus of the University of Nottingham
  • Project includes 6 houses
  • Different degrees of innovation and flexibility
  • Enable various aspects of modern construction methods
  • Aim:
    • Ideas for sustainable construction
    • New methods of providing both affordable and ecologically sustainable houses

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Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF)

Insulating concrete forms (ICF) made of Neopor® are suitable for all types of building elements, particularly for those requiring thermal insulation and simple design. They are used as wall and ceiling elements for single-family houses as well as high-rise buildings and offer vast potential savings for do-it-yourself builders.