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Neopor® BMB: Reduced CO2 footprint with the high performance you trust


With the biomass balance (BMB) approach of BASF , fossil resources needed to produce Neopor® can be replaced 100% by renewable raw materials. This production method saves valuable resources while reducing the CO2 impact. The carbon footprint of Neopor® BMB improves by 90 percent compared to conventionally produced Neopor®. At the same time, all important product properties are retained. 

Insulation materials made of Neopor® - even in its conventional form - already make a large contribution to sustainable building thanks to their long lifespan on a thermally insulated facade.


Read more about BASF's biomass balance approach with Neopor®



Part of sustainability

Styrenic foams contribute significantly to the global CO2 emission reduction targets in the building sector. Mainly the thermal insulation solution of the building envelope reduces greenhouse gas emissions due to lower energy consumption for heating and cooling residential buildings. As packaging material, Styropor® not only protects electronic devices or food, it can also be recycled very well – either mechanically or chemically.